Resort in style with exclusive rewards
Need to get away? Book your next vacation package deal at Resorts World Las Vegas direct and enjoy one of our many hotel deals, promotions, and more.

During the Month of Love, the resort will feature sensational dining offerings, captivating entertainment, and rejuvenating spa services for you and your loved ones. Book now to receive 20% off your room.

If you’re looking for a sign to treat yourself, this is it. Enjoy up to 35% off on your next stay when you book your room and sign up for a complimentary Genting Rewards account

Treat yourself to a one-of-a-kind experience at Resorts World Las Vegas! The resort offers over 3,500 rooms with unmatched entertainment, personalized spa treatments and a curated retail collection for the perfect getaway.

Book now to receive up to 25% off rooms, one-bedroom suites and a $25 nightly beverage credit redeemable at select locations.